Hi Rubicans
The team is back and we already have started 2021 with our new plans and ideas. In this weekly update will share our team’s vision for Rubic’s feature and an updated roadmap.
There are 3 main next big things which we plan to focus on in 2021: Layer 2, Anonymizer and Polkadot.
To apply for grants programs we need to create some prototypes and suggest a roadmap for the integration. We will assign one dedicated engineer from Feb-15 to dive into. We can expect the first results by May-Jun’21.
Layer 2
Gas fees are crazy and it will not be changed next year.
Layer 2 solutions should help DeFi continue to grow. Rubic will focus on integration on Layer 2 solutions to the Platform and make L2 easy to use.
Rubic as one stop solution: use bridge for L1<>L2, make actions inside of L2.
We have started with Matic and will continue with Loopring, zksync, DeversiFi.
Tornado Cash showed good stats last year. We see a market niche in integration of DEX and anonymizers.
We have completed the research and found a math solution. We will start the development in the middle of Feb.
Except of the big things we will continue the integration of cross-chain solutions, the following bridges/Swaps will integrated very soon: Panama, BurgerSwap, Paraswap
In the future we will be able to provide APIs for the wallets and other services which need to make cross-chain swaps (after we complete integration of main players).
Mobile version improvements and wallets support.
Rubic generates revenue from instant trades, brokerage fees and others. 50% of the revenue will be sent to Liquidity, while the other 50% will be used for operational needs.
Marketing support
This year we will be hiring more people in our marketing team so we can conduct more activities within our crypto community.
We will work on adding Advisors/Influencers to our board, on growing our community and on partnerships with other projects.
We will continue to work with our Marketing Board, who already gave us a lot of feedback and ideas.
Stay tuned and don’t forget to participate in our meme competition!
Rubic: https://rubic.exchange/
RBC token: https://rubic.exchange/rbc
Probit: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/RBC-USDT
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/rubic
CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/rubic/
Our social media channels:
Twitter https://twitter.com/CryptoRubic
Telegram https://t.me/cryptorubic_chat
Medium https://cryptorubic.medium.com/
Discord https://discord.gg/zmf9QF2Vuh