Hello Community!
Here is our weekly update:
- Cross-Chain Routing
Last week, we successfully launched the first fully functional Cross-Chain Routing in the crypto industry. Over the course of last week, more than 300 transactions had been completed using our Cross-Chain Routing feature, and this number is growing on a daily basis.
2. Rubic Cross-Chain Routing Liquidity Provision (“Staking”)
Today, the Rubic team presented the concept of our future Cross-Chain Liquidity “staking” program. The more accurate name for it is the Rubic Cross-Chain Liquidity Provision program. This solution is similar to many other major liquidity pools, which are being used in projects such as Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and other leading AMM’s.
Users will be able to provide liquidity to Rubic’s decentralized liquidity pools, with several types of assets, in all three currently supported networks: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.
You can read more about the Rubic Cross-Chain Liquidity Provision program here: https://cryptorubic.medium.com/rubic-cross-chain-routing-liquidity-provision-ea2d2a6a1485
3. Widget Updates
Over the past month, more than 15 projects integrated our Rubic Relay Widget. In order to create the best solution for projects, the Rubic team is planning to create an API or SDK version of our widget. This will allow the project to complete a full integration of our services directly to their platforms.
We will share more information about our Rubic Relay Widget updates in subsequent weekly updates.
4. Bug Fixes
Throughout this week, we fixed a number of bugs and implemented several improvements to our platform. These bugs were noticed by our team and by members of our community. We would like to thank everyone who has submitted bugs! As always, you can submit them to our Discord channel, use our support email: support@rubic.finance, or message us directly on Telegram.
- New projects are taking part in the Cross-Chain Routing campaign. This week, three more companies decided to join the GAS Fee Refund activity. Now you are able to buy $C3, $OPCT, $DEXF and $OPOLY tokens and get GAS cashback.
Charli3 has also integrated our Rubic Relay Widget. Now, users are able to buy $C3 tokens directly on https://charli3.io/. We are planning on continuing this partnership with Charli3 and integrating them as an Oracle to Rubic.exchange.
Also, the Opoly.game project integrated our Rubic Relay Widget to their platform. Users now have an opportunity to buy $OPOLY tokens directly on their website.
3. Last Friday, our Marketing team member Guilhem, participated in an AMA for a French investor group. He presented all of the features and technical aspects concerning cross-chain swaps and bridge swaps, our routing system and the Rubic Relay Widget. As a result, he attracted the attention of several investors and several channel administrators which will follow Rubic more closely for potential future operations. Guilhem will soon be holding a second AMA for an investor networking group which could bring new opportunities in terms of marketing collaboration with new projects and a potential valuation of our RBC token.
Last week, we launched a banner campaign on different websites, and this allowed more than 10 thousand people to visit our platform and brought us more than 250 new users to our platform.
We will continue to place banners ads across different websites during the month of September.
4. This week, our project was mentioned on different instagram pages with subscribers counts totaling over 1.5 million people. We will continue to work with these channels throughout September.
5.This week, we were listed on ZTB exchange!
Now, users can purchase RBC token using another Centralized Exchange! However, we are still waiting for other CEX’s to list our RBC token! Stay Tuned for listing updates!
6. Throughout the week, we were mentioned by many different Twitter channels. We would like to thank all of the influencers and Twitter pages where our project has been mentioned.
All of this allowed us to gain more than 1000 people to our twitter community during the week!
6. You’ve been waiting for it, and now they’re here! Video Tutorials are now live. You may have noticed that this week we were uploading tutorials on how to use different features on Rubic.exchange on our YouTube channel. Now there are six new videos available on YouTube:
- How to execute Cross-Chain Routing on Rubic.exchange
- How to use the Fiat On-Ramp on Rubic.exchange
- How to use Rubic Tron Bridge
- How to use xDai Bridge
- How to perform Instant Swaps
- How to use Rubic bridge
We hope these tutorials help you to implement all your trades and swaps easily and fast. If you still have questions, you always may ask our support for help.
7. We continue to add new members to the Rubic team!
Meet our newest team member, Lera! She is the same designer that made all of the awesome illustrations on Rubic’s Twitter account. The Rubic team will now be able to continue delighting our community with her spectacular graphics and talented artwork. We are happy to proclaim that Rubic is getting bigger and that there are now even more people working on the project!
8. This week, Collin O‘Brien participated in a podcast with beyondFOMO. They were talking about our Cross-Chain Routing feature, our Rubic Relay Widget and the history of the Rubic project. BeyondFOMO got really excited during the interview by testing Rubic’s unique features. Be like BeyondFOMO and use Rubic.exchange for yourself to see why it is so amazing!
9. Also this week, Rubic hosted another traditional Weekly Voice Chat with Collin O’Brien. During this voice chat, Collin talked about this week’s events and Rubic’s future plans. If you missed it, be sure to check it out on Anchor or as a pinned message in our official Telegram channel.
Thank you for your continued and much-appreciated support!
Rubic: https://rubic.exchange/
PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x8E3BCC334657560253B83f08331d85267316e08a
Gate.IO: https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/RBC
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xa4eed63db85311e22df4473f87ccfc3dadcfa3e3
Probit: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/RBC-USDT
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/rubic
CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/rubic/
Our social media channels:
Twitter https://twitter.com/CryptoRubic
Telegram https://t.me/cryptorubic_chat
Medium https://cryptorubic.medium.com/
Discord https://discord.gg/zmf9QF2Vuh
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuFejvCuMtepW-4nx1DNFfg
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RubicDEX/