Rubic Weekly Report 01/29

4 min readJan 29, 2021


Hello community!

Here is our weekly update!


1. Cross Chain Bridge

Panama Binance Bridge is another step taken forward towards the complex integration of cross-chain solutions into Rubic DeFi ecosystem.

The most important purpose of Panama Binance Bridge integration is to simplify and connect users from different blockchains under one platform. This cooperation will help us to create simple and reliable cross chain solutions between users of Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain networks.

Now, on Rubic’s platform, users are able to swap ERC20 with their corresponding BEP20 version and vice-versa (for example, swap USDT- ERC20 with USDT-BEP20). Since Ethereum is facing high gas fees, BSC is looking more attractive for traders. Users now are able to transfer their tokens into the BSC ecosystem within the Rubic platform.

The integration of Panama Binance Bridge now allows users to swap tokens between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, this way users can take advantage of both growing networks, without giving up on any.

2. Paraswap integration is in progress.

We have analyzed their API and we are currently considering the MVP architecture to implement it in a testing environment.

3. Onepager, Whitepaper and Roadmap update

This week we completed the updates for Onepager, Whitepaper and Roadmap with relevant information to meet the latest trends. You can check them on

4. We have significantly decreased the fees, thanks to API’s optimizations. Now the rates on are the same as on Uniswap or sometimes even better, as we support more than 16 DEXes.

5 We are constantly improving the Rubic platform, making the UI more convenient and the platform more reliable. We have updated about 20% warning messages to make them more clear and plan to rework 40% more, updated the FAQ section and we plan to extend it by including video-tutorials and a tags system.


1. This week we have announced our first Staking Liquidity Campaign.

And our users have already participated with more than $240,000 in total (ETH and RBC) . To participate in the campaign you need to provide liquidity by the 5th of Feb. Don’t miss it! You can read more about it here:

2.Today our first meme competition has ended! We want to thank everyone for participating and sharing their Rubic memes. You can find the results here:

Get ready for more contests!

3. Once again Rubic’s community is growing and continues to be very friendly and supportive.
Community in numbers:

Holders — 2694 — ->3663

TG chat — 2785 — ->3218

Twitter — 1946 — ->2349

Discord — 833 — ->1071

5. Rubic project has been officially added to Uniswap, now you can choose us from the list directly.

6. We have been listed on Scorebase. You can add your review about Rubic here:

7. Also we have been listed as one of the most mentioned projects on Twitter this week along with BTC, Ethereum and DogeCoin. Thank you a lot for your support and spreading the word about Rubic!

8. We have added 3 wrapped tokens on for P2P swaps (Order Book feature): WXMR, stakedDASH & WZEC into the Rubic’s DeFi ecosystem.

Dash and Zcash communities have reposted us:

Thank you for your precious support!






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Rubic's Best Rate Finder tool for crypto swaps aggregates 70+ blockchains, 220+ DEXs and bridges, and 15,500+ crypto assets.