Rubic For the Interoperable Future of Web3: Cross-Chain Swaps in One Click

10 min readAug 2, 2022

The number of blockchains is growing day by day, and obviously, this trend is likely to continue in the future. It’s becoming harder to move assets across multiple crypto projects residing on different blockchains. What solutions have appeared on the market to unify the fragmented landscape and increase blockchain interoperability? What is Rubic and why does this One-Click Cross-Chain Swap service stay ahead of the pack?

Cryptocurrency Market Needs Interoperability

Every crypto project resides on a certain blockchain which serves different purposes. At this moment there are about 131 chains operating and over 19,000 tokens in circulation at this moment (Rubic supports 15,000 tokens!).

This drives the need for enhanced interoperability amongst all of them and assets being available cross-chain. In fact, one can’t simply swap USDT residing on Polygon into ETH residing on BSC, and this has pushed the cryptocurrency market to create different cross-chain tools — bridges, aggregators, and protocols.

How to Swap Across Blockchains?

As blockchain started moving to Web3, where chains can interact with one another, the market has offered multiple cross-chain models. All in all, the cross-chain space can be divided into bridges, aggregators, and cross-chain messaging protocols.


A bridge is an application that enables transactions between two networks, be they layer 1, layer 2, or even an off-chain service. Simply put, bridges allow users to transfer their assets from one network to another. For example, USDC holders on Ethereum may wish to transfer their USDC from Ethereum to Avalanche via the bridge application.

To date, there are more than 70 cross-chain bridges deployed, with a total of over $25B locked, and just on Ethereum, there are 16 bridges and 11.77B in TVL, with this number constantly growing.

Ethereum bridges TVL over time

Bridges, however, do not move assets between chains, they link assets on one network to their representations (i.e. wrapped versions) of assets on another network.

Bridges allow users to move the same assets between two blockchains in a pair-wise manner, for example — USDC (ERC-20) into USDC (BEP-20).

Battle-tested by the market, they showed the following flipsides:

  • low security: 2021 year experienced more than 1.2B funds stolen through bridges in hacker attacks;
  • the excessive amount of time spent on a swap: 15 minutes and 20 clicks on average.

Some of the popular cross-chain bridges are Multichain, cBridge, Wormhole, and Allbridge.

Cross-Chain Messaging Protocols

Those are designed to move a wider range of information types between chains — additionally to exporting tokens, they can send contract calls, proofs, and states. Among the most famous ones are the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol, Axelar, Nomad, LayerZero, and Chainlink CCIP. Also, Celer has its Inter-chain Message Framework.
Cross-chain messaging protocols vary in terms of functionality and operation. For example, IBC is the standard for chain interoperability in the Cosmos ecosystem. The chains adopt and use the IBC messaging standard while light clients in both networks and relayers (those who directly move information) take responsibility for cross-chain interaction. IBC is not suitable for all chains — it’s expensive and inconvenient for chains outside of the Cosmos ecosystem.

LayerZero and Chainlink CCIP are similar in architecture and use smart contracts for cross-chain communication, as well as a combination of off-chain relayer and oracle. LayerZero positions itself as a more secure protocol since it doesn’t require trust in a third party. This is not entirely true: in LayerZero design, an oracle and relayer perform the role of a third party.

To sum up, cross-chain messaging protocols are still considered pretty complex. When implementing, one should have deep knowledge of cross-chain technology and understand the complexity of such protocols.

Aggregators of Bridges & DEXs

This has become another step in augmenting interoperability in the blockchain world. In a nutshell, aggregators of bridges and DEXs pack the swap-bridge-swap into a user-friendly interface and better user experience (as it’s also possible to change the token which is being moved across chains).

Examples of aggregators that seem to be setting the pace include Rubic, Rango Exchange, Li.Fi, O3swap, ChainSwap,, and others.

Rubic — the Amazon of Crypto

Rubic has been one of the first players in the cross-chain market, and also one of the first aggregators. Rubic goes by the name of “Aggregator of Aggregators” or the “Amazon of Crypto” since it aggregates 13 blockchains and 70+ DEXs and bridges (which is the biggest number amongst aggregators so far).

It positions itself as the One-Click Cross-Chain Swap service & tools for crypto projects, which allows swapping 15,000+ tokens on and across 13 blockchains with higher transaction speed, lower fees, better security, and rates.

The Biggest Number of Tokens and DEXs

Rubic has the most significant amount of tokens for swapping amongst all bridges and aggregators — 15,000+! Just imagine — there are in total 19,000+ tokens circulating in the crypto market, taking into account that some of them are not active. On Rubic, with 60+ aggregated DEXs, you almost have no limits in choosing the assets to swap.

Best UX/UI — Swap in One Click

Сross-chain swaps have a complicated route: swap — bridge/DEX — swap. Rubic is a time saver allowing users to swap tokens in just 1 click and confirm the transaction from their wallet 1 time. And unlike bridges, you can swap across chains, and also change the token which is being moved across chains.

Best Rates & Timings

On Rubic, the average transaction time takes no more than 3 minutes. The algorithm used at Rubic manages transactions as needed, to save on gas and fees as much as possible, thus finding the best deal on the market for cross-chain and on-chain swaps.

Security & Guaranteed Liquidity

Thanks to the aggregation of DEXs, providers, and bridges, users will always have sufficient liquidity when making a swap. If a bridge or a provider gets hacked or runs out of liquidity, Rubic redirects users to another bridge or a provider. Rubic has an auto-refund feature, and its technical support is ready to assist 24/7.

Low Swap Fees

No matter what amount of crypto you swap, for any transaction you always pay just a $1 fee which is charged in the source network native coin. So you just pay a $1 fee without the need to count your swapping expenditures! If you hold more than 5k $RBC tokens, you will get a regular weekly refund for the fees you’ve paid for your swaps — they will be absolutely free of any fees!

Profit Maker — Rubic Staker

Staking on Rubic proposes another opportunity for Rubic token holders to make a profit on their investments. By staking RBC, one can earn up to 58% APR, which is one of the highest APR in the market and make their “cubes” work.

Battletested By Crypto Market

Since the start of our SDK and widget, after just 8 months, Rubic already services 80+ crypto projects, helping them to become interoperable omnichain ecosystems. Integration (for its simplest version) takes just 10–30 minutes and enables cross-chain swaps of 15,000+ on- and across 13 blockchains. Newly-launched tokens are automatically listed via Rubic’s API, as soon as they are available on our listed DEXs.

NFTs at Your Fingertips

A new era has come! Purchasing NFTs in 1 transaction with various tokens and from multiple blockchains has become possible. By integrating Rubic NFT Widget, NFT projects enable buyers to acquire NFTs with more than 15,000 tokens and across 13 blockchains integrated into Rubic.

Why Rubic is Better Than Other Aggregators

The cross-chain world has been witnessing a spate of newly- launched omnichain projects — each of them with a “unique cross-chain model”. Besides Rubic, there are other aggregators like Via.Exchange, Rango, O3Swap, and LI.FI.

Let’s have a look at the most well-known cross-chain aggregators in the market and how Rubic stands out.

  • Rubic stays ahead of the pack considering the number of tokens supported for swaps: 15,000+ tokens (out of 19,000 in the market total supply).
  • Automated swaps in 1 click: No manual steps are needed to make a swap on Rubic — you make one click and the swap is done!
  • 60+ aggregated DEXs: Rubic aggregates the biggest number of DEXs participating in cross-chain swaps — this gives better rates and swap times.

Rubic’s rates in action — check out yourself!

  • 16 integrated bridges: Rubic guarantees liquidity for any swap due to 16 bridges integrated into the app; this number is constantly growing.
  • Widget: Any crypto project can integrate Rubic widget in just 5 minutes and expand to the cross-chain Web3.
  • Timing: Depending on the amount for a swap, no more than 3 minutes is needed to make a cross- or on-chain swap on Rubic which cannot be said about Rubic’s competitors. Are you ready to wait for your swap to be done in 13 or 8 minutes like on other websites? If not, go for Rubic — you will spend no extra minute — be it a cross-chain or on-chain swap.
  • 24/7 Tech Support: Individuals, as well as businesses, can always write to Rubic’s support team in the chat and get helped out if something pops up. Feel safe and secure — Rubic is always on standby to solve your issues.

How to Choose the Best Cross-Chain Solution?

While the innovations around cross-chain technology are gaining momentum, only a few projects have launched practical solutions. To choose the most cost-efficient and convenient swapping service, one should pay attention to several factors:

  1. Number of Tokens

The number of tokens that are supported on the platforms correlates with the number of chains. The wider range of tokens you can swap — the bigger number of blockchains is integrated into the platform. You have more opportunities for seamless cross-chain and on-chain swaps with the bigger number of supported crypto assets

2. Number of DEXs

One doesn’t have to think twice to understand that the bigger number of supported DEXs leads to higher security and guarantees that a transaction will be executed successfully. If one DEX stops operating or runs out of liquidity — the aggregator will redirect you to another one.

3. 24/7 Support

No matter what might happen but if the support team is ready to assist you 24/7, it’s a good sign that any of your potential problems will be solved quickly and your assets will be saved

4. Solutions for Businesses

Projects that develop their b2b sector offering solutions not only for individuals but for other crypto projects as well are usually market-proven and more reliable than those working only with b2c. They always streamline, deliver regular updates, high-quality support, and are more client-oriented.

5. Decentralization

We’re all here in DeFi for DeFi — no need to spell out the advantages of decentralized solutions. However, some of the cross-chain platforms still utilize the features of centralized servers to complete transactions. A fully decentralized solution means the creation of a sidechain connected to the source and destination networks, or another decentralized system that would carry out transactions without the participation of the backend, using only the blockchain.

6. Smart Routing

Smart routing allows you to find the best deal on the market — the best rate, the best provider offered by a platform. It also means safety — basically, it finds a safe route for the swap you’re making.


Interoperability and Web3 are just around the corner. Soon, cross-chain solutions will play a pivotal role in the further development of blockchain technology since it will largely influence the adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Rubic opens the door to the interoperable omnichain blockchain landscape already now — offering high-quality service for cross-chain and on-chain swaps and the best swapping experience for everyone — individuals and businesses. Being “the Aggregator of Aggregators” or “the Integrator of Integrators’ Rubic is developing fast, constantly elaborating and implementing cutting-edge features and technology — the top ones in the crypto space.

To start using Rubic now — means to make a huge step toward the future interoperable Web3 world. Today, with Rubic, it becomes possible to invest in numerous crypto projects simultaneously: moving the assets across different blockchains is not the issue anymore. While being a hidden gem in the cryptocurrency space, Rubic is already the pioneer of the interoperable Web3 world. You can start your path with Rubic today and become one of the innovators.

About Rubic:

Rubic is a One-Click Cross-Chain Aggregator which allows users to swap any of 15,000+ tokens, on and between 13 blockchains, and receive the best rates from all leading trading providers. Rubic includes On-Chain & Cross-Chain swaps for Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum, Gnosis, Fuse, Celo, Optimism, Moonbeam, OKC and Cronos; with seamless fiat on-ramps and more!

Rubic provides the tools for crypto projects to become fully interoperable between blockchains with an easy-to-install widget and a fully customizable SDK. Rubic is already servicing more than 80 projects! Installation takes only 10 to 30 minutes and unlocks DeFi for any project, with access to over 15,000+ tokens across 13 blockchains, all available right on your web-site or inside your app.




Rubic's Best Rate Finder tool for crypto swaps aggregates 70+ blockchains, 220+ DEXs and bridges, and 15,500+ crypto assets.