Rubic Cross-Chain Tools for DEX - Hector Finance Integration

7 min readJul 7, 2022


Rubic is the One-Click Cross-Chain Swap service that aggregates 60+ DEXs and bridges, allowing users to swap 15,000+ tokens - on and across 12 blockchains - in just one go.

Founded in 2020, Rubic already services over 70+ crypto projects with its SDK and widget. Rubic’s Cross-Chain toolkit allows crypto projects to grow into an omnichain ecosystem in a matter of 1 hour. Hector Finance has become one of the numerous projects that shows how fast and seamlessly Rubic’s SDK can be implemented, along with the amount of profit this integration can generate.

What is Hector Finance?

Hector Finance is a project which initially operated on the Fantom Opera Chain, but since March 2022, thanks to Rubic’s SDK, it now has full cross-chain functionality. A variety of projects have been developed across the ecosystem, including:

  • Hector Cross-Chain DEX which allows swapping tokens across multiple chains
  • Hector Bank decentralized lending & borrowing platform
  • Hector Validators which support the network, and allow one to stake FTM tokens for higher APR rewards
  • The TOR decentralized stablecoin
Hector Finance Ecosystem

Hector is supported by its native $HEC token, which you can always get on Hector Finance or Rubic by choosing the Fantom network when making a swap.

Rubic’s SDK On Hector Cross-Chain DEX

Hector is the ecosystem that always stays ahead of the pack by implementing cutting-edge technology. One of the recent implementations is Rubic. Check it out in detail at How to Use the Hector Finance Cross-Chain DEX, and let’s examine how Hector implemented Rubic’s SDK.

1.Trading Volume & Revenue Boost

Hector Finance integrated Rubic’s SDK in March 2022 to create the Cross-Chain DEX, thus allowing users to perform cross-chain & on-chain swaps right on their website. Since then, Hector has increased its revenue along with its trading volume.

“Due to Rubic’s profit-sharing model, we were able to increase revenue via fees, same goes for trade volumes.”

The Hector Finance Team

2. You Choose - We implement

Despite the fact that Rubic supports 12 blockchains, projects can choose and integrate their preferred ones, and so did Hector. Rubic’s SDK on Hector Finance enables bridging to several networks: Avalanche, Binance, Ethereum, Fantom, Moonriver, and Polygon, and allows users to swap a token across chains in one go.

Rubic’s SDK on Hector Finance enables bridging to several networks

“When we’re listed on other DEXs, we’ll consider the possibility of integrating other blockchains as well.”

The Hector Finance Team

3. UX and UI

Hector Finance has customized the UI to its fullest. If you take a peek at what Hector DEX’s trading interface looks like, you will not recognize any traces of Rubic’s design: Rubic’s SDK UI fully fits the platform’s native design and concept.

With simple architecture, Rubic’s SDK allows customizing the UX as well. What is the path users can take on Hector?

  • The user chooses a network from which they will exchange their token and the token itself.
Rubic’s SDK UI fully fits the platform’s native design and concept.
  • Next, the user chooses a network and a token that they want to purchase.
  • Then, the number of tokens needs to be typed in; the algorithm will automatically show the final amount in other tokens that the user will receive.
  • The user clicks “Bridge” and approves the transaction with MetaMask.

The swap is done!

Rubic’s SDK allows customizing the UX

In fact, projects can build the UX on their website with Rubic’s SDK however they wish.

Now let´s see what happens behind the curtain. On the frontend side, you will see this:

Rubic’s SDK integration on the frontend side

4. Bridges/DEXs are chosen based on multiple factors

To determine a DEX or bridge to use in a transaction, Rubic's algorithm measures several factors: gas fees and their efficiency, the liquidity that a DEX or a bridge owns, speed, security, and many others. Also, Rubic uses the preferences and thresholds of integration of our partners to choose the right transaction path and an effective multi-chain strategy.

5. Easy implementation

Rubic’s SDK is a ready-to-use product and is easy to integrate, with no need to develop cross-chain technology from scratch. Our developers are always ready to help with any step of its integration and assisted Hector the whole way: before, during, and after integration. Technical support is available at all times so that if any issues arise, our team will solve them as quickly as possible.

6. Thousands of Tokens Available

By integrating Rubic’s SDK which aggregates 60+ DEXs and bridges, Hector Finance has made available on-chain and cross-chain swaps of thousands of different tokens, which reside on those 60+ DEXs, right on their website.

Thousands of Tokens Available On Your Page

“With the help of the Rubic team, we were able to follow their simple guide for integration. We decided to integrate Rubic’s SDK in order to expand our ecosystem's reach, and to provide more opportunities for our users.”

The Hector Finance Team

You can find all of the details on how to use Rubic in the Hector Finance ecosystem right on the Hector website. Hector is a huge and prospective ecosystem, with great plans for future development. This is a project that is meant to have longevity, which is a hard-to-find attribute in our industry. That being said, Rubic’s team is pleased to have Hector among their strategic partners, and thanks their entire team for the successful integration.

Why Integrate Rubic’s SDK?

Today, there’s a massive explosion of newly-launched crypto projects built on different blockchains. It’s getting harder to provide interoperability among all of them and swap the desired crypto assets residing on various chains. One can’t simply swap MATIC residing on Polygon into USDT residing on BNB. Nevertheless, it has become possible with cross-chain technology, which aims to turn the whole market into an interoperable blockchain universe where all crypto assets are available for swaps across chains.

Omnichain Interoperable Ecosystem

Rubic can create an omnichain interoperable ecosystem out of any crypto project — be it a wallet, dApp, game, launchpad, or Metaverse app.

What are the Benefits of Rubic for Your Crypto Project?

As opposed to using separate cross-chain bridges, Rubic’s SDK and Widget save you time and human resources — providing you with higher security, profit, and better fees for users. Let’s detail what you receive by integrating Rubic’s SDK/Widget:

  • Trading Volume Boost — Implementation of Rubic’s SDK will increase your trading volume as users will be able to make cross-chain swaps right on your website.
  • Token Sale Push — By integrating Rubic, you take a burden off users who are willing to buy your token. They don’t have to leave your website to purchase your project’s token. Everything is now in one place.
  • Full Control Over UI & UX — As a white label solution, Rubic’s SDK allows the full customization of the UI & UX on your website. Rubic’s Widget has a classic and minimalist design, and will be a great fit for any existing project’s interface.
  • Revenue Increase — Up to 50% of the trading fees go straight to your business. Plus, with our SDK integration, you can set up your own additional fees.
  • Security & Guarantees — Aggregating 60+ DEXs and bridges in one place, Rubic’s SDK guarantees sufficient liquidity and the ability to make a swap; even if one DEX or bridge runs out of liquid assets or stops operating.
  • Time-Saving — Integration takes just 10 minutes for the Widget, and 30 minutes for the simplest SDK integration.
The new era of interoperability and Web3

Users will be able to buy your project’s token and many others right on your website, no matter from which blockchain they perform the swap, e.g. from Polygon to BNB, or from Fantom to Avalanche. This brings us to the new era of interoperability and Web3, where every token is available for cross-chain swaps.

Get Started with Rubic Today

We have 10 live SDK integrators so far, amongst them: (DEX), (DEX), (Investing), (NFT+DEX), and others.

We’re eager to further help other projects to open new horizons to the cross-chain Web3 era. It is not limited to only certain crypto projects, and can be used all around the cryptosphere — be it a launchpad, a Metaverse game, a wallet, or beyond.

Rubic’s SDK is a way to interact with more than 60 DEXs and bridges, while performing on-chain and cross-chain swaps in the most user-friendly and secure way. Remember that interoperability and omnichain solutions are the future of blockchain technology, and we, Rubicans, are here to bring it to the whole world!

Kickstart your path to Web3 Cross-Chain with Rubic! What do you need to do?

  1. Head to our documentation at
  2. Read ‘Integration of SDK’ to kickstart your journey.
  3. Join the official Discord server.
  4. Follow our Telegram & Twitter to stay up-to-date.

Our SDK is built on the basis of Rubic’s Cross-Chain frontend, and all the details on integration can be found in Rubic’s documentation.

Try on-chain & cross-chain swaps today, at




Rubic's Best Rate Finder tool for crypto swaps aggregates 70+ blockchains, 220+ DEXs and bridges, and 15,500+ crypto assets.