Rubic AMA session in Rubic chat

7 min readJan 21, 2021


Hello Community !
This Wednesday Rubic had an AMA session in our community chat (

This AMA session was great and we are happy to share a transcript of it with you !


Hi all, we are happy that we have so many new members, welcome! Lets start our AMA 🙂


Thank you all for joining!


Welcome & Hi Alexandra and Vladimir. And thanks everyone for participating 😊


Let us start!


Q1. How cross chain swaps would work from one chain to another because you’d need 2 different wallets. And what is the status about the Panama Binance Bridge test?


If we talk about Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum (we are starting from it) — then you need just one address (the same will work in both chains). Among cross-chain solutions Panama bridge (by Binance) will be the first used in Rubic. It’s not fully decentralized yet, but balances are guaranteed by Binance. No KYC, AML needed — just Rubic & Metamask.

Planned release date: 28th of January.

Please see the latest screenshot from dev server:



28th of January allready? That’s soon.


Q2: Regarding Layer2, why have we decided to focus on it and are there some challenges (minor/major) the team is facing at the moment in terms of development, especially building Layer 2 solutions? I assume it’s a complex process. (If it’s not, why haven’t others built it yet? What’s stopped others?


Currently Rubic uses 1inch aggregator for some trades, and sometimes fees are more than $20 for simple swap. It’s not acceptable. That’s why we integrated Matic and will continue to add more solutions, Loopring can be the next big integration in Layer2 direction. Also, we are considering own L2 solution development based on zk-snarks approach — in research now.


Regarding others — understanding the math for zk — it’s quite challenging, fortunately we have devs with math background


Thank you Vladimir.


Q3: When is the release for Instant Trades on BSC?


We plan to release it in February 2021 and it will be a complete solution for Ethereum users also (use bridges and then make instant trades on BSC for low fees). We are in touch with BurgerSwap and plan to make a mutual AMA very soon to announce the integration. Stay tuned!


😍 I know a lot of people are looking forward to that update. Good stuff!


Q4: A major selling point of Rubic is cross-chain swaps. How do you plan on promoting that feature? And how do you plan on competing with UniSwap/Sushiswap or an aggregator like 1inch since they are already major players?


1Inch and other big players are not considering cross-chain as main priority and we feel that it’s the niche where we can beat them. Rubic in 2021: one-stop solution for all popular blockchains and Layer2 solution: no matter what token in what blockchain you want to exchange — you will be able to do it on Rubic.


Yeah that will be a very strong benefit for the platform.


Q5: Is there any specific reason why mobile support was not given as much priority as what was given to desktop? Do you think that probably is a reason for not having as much traffic or volume as expected (based on Vladimir’s answer on Facemeltets AMA)?


Mobile version is medium priority for us. Let us finish the main integration on the web (bridge + BSC instant trades) and we will port it to mobile after it. Otherwise it will take double resources for QA and fixes.


Makes total sense. Prioritizing is very important.


Thank you for the Q&A up to now. We will now unmute the chat and allow the community to copy/paste / write some questions for you.


After we’ve received the questions, we will mute again to be able to answer as much questions as possible.


Thanks for questions! 😊We have muted the chat again and will start answering.

When more wallets support? Right now is only metamask.

Yes, we plan to add more wallets (walletconnect) after we release bridges and BSC instant trades

Hi and thanks, The UI is a little confusing so will you be focusing on a better UI, possibly using a simple bootstrap like people are accustomed to etc?


Appreciate if you can share UI problems with our support. Simple UI is top priority for us — crypto is not easy for 99% of people. and we need to make it as simple as possible. Any suggestions are welcome

Will Rubic have a dark theme?


Yes, however it is not a priority 🙂

Is it planned to incentive the community with an uniswap-like airdrop for early adopters?


Hi Emile, RBC distributed already, we do not plan any new tokens

XMR swap support?


It should work already for wrapped XMR (I believe there some wrapped). No plans for native support — since it requires smart contracts on Monero side

Can you implement a 25/50/75/max % option at the exchange?

How do you want to get more tokens listed on

Do you consider to expand the team?

And one more: hows the team doing, everyone feeling well? 😊


Yes, thanks for the idea — will add it to the Backlog


Sven, thanks for questions 🙂 We are pretty busy and good 🙂

Will answer on your 2 and 3 question.

2. At the moment we are checking all new legit projects and contacting them, soon we will add an option to contact us and be listed on Rubic.

3. Yes, we are already in process of expanding our team.


Does your GREAT PROJECT have plan about Staking?


Regarding Staking — we are considering several options for implementation (thanks to our Marketing board). Until the final decision we will convert revenue to RBC and add it to Liquidity.

How important is the community to Your project? and how can we collaborate or help share token for the development of the project?


Extremely important, everyday we get dozens of suggestions / improvements — many of them implemented/added to plans and we thank you all for making Rubic viral


Thank you, Vladimir and Alexandra, for you insightful and interesting answers to the community. Looks like we have still some time left so maybe we could allow more questions from the community?


Sure, lets unmute chat one more time

Can you please do an AMA on a livestream so we can see you answering questions in real time?


I’m fine If Alex does not mind 🙂


I dont mind, so next time we will try to do livestream 😊


And the chat is muted again. GREAT questions 😍. The floor is yours Alexandra & Vladimir

Will the coin be available for trade on Coinbase? Is there any other way to buy it than Uniswap, the gas fees are about 25USD$ when buying this EXACT Coin, and it’s sad.


Layer2 will help with this, everyone hates gas fees. Today it was 150 again 🙁 We believe in decentralization, however listing on CEX will help our token/ project

What are the killer features of Your Project ? ? What is the vision and goals Your project wants to achieve in 2021?


We have just released new roadmap — please check (onepager)

Can we get a more in-depth explanation on how the rubic tokens will be used regarding the exchange? Ex. How we will pay for using the exchange with rbc


Hi nil, thanks for the question. Currently we get comission from external exchanges if making trades. Comission is converted (buy back) to RBC. There are more options to get revenue for the Platform (charge % from every trade in order book as the example). Will add more sources for generation of revenue soon, part of them can be paid by RBC with the discount (main one — own L2 AMM in Q4)

What will the teams approach to marketting be? Can we expect to see an emphasis on transparency on project development?

i.e continued updates on Twitter and other social media platforms, YouTube videos providing in depth explanations of the tech behind the project and also potentially providing a more intimate introduction to the team.

This sort of thing can help build trust with backers and is a big plus in advertising to the wider crypto community that the project is genuine and has momentum.


Transparency is one of Rubic’s value, we share all our updates with community and plan to conitue to do it. Also thanks for the idea we will try to focus more on explanations of the tech behind Rubic.


Again thank you Vladimir & Alexandra for sharing your opinions / visions & feedback. Appreciate your presence as always 👏🏽.

To wrap up the AMA, do you have “last” words / things you would like to say?


Before the end — let us share that tomorrow we will do the first buy back in 2021 for RBC and put it to Liquidity.

It will be about $6000 in total. Will continue do it regularly.


Just want to say thank you for so many questions, it was a pleasure to answer all of them 😊 We believe that with our community we can make Rubic reach its highest potential.


Thank you ALL for hard questions and everyday support!


And to wrap it up: We appreciate everyone in the community for your engagement, presence and your enthusiasm.

Rubic’s team will always focus on making reaching out to its highest potential of becoming a complete ONE-STOP Platform for DeFi services.

With that said, we welcome you all on our official price talk chat from our Discord server:

Let’s keep this chat clean and positive for users to understand that Rubic is not a token, but a whole DeFi Ecosystem which grows day by day, week by week and we’ll keep on going (we are a young team, so we have plenty of years to live for).




Written by Rubic

Rubic's Best Rate Finder tool for crypto swaps aggregates 90+ blockchains, 220+ DEXs and bridges, and 15,500+ crypto assets.

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